101 Additional Cliches
1: AA didn't open the Gates of Heaven and let me in, it opened up the Gates of Hell and let me out.
2: AA is the easier softer way.
3: A drug is a drug is a drug.
4: A moment of clarity.
5: Act as if.
6: Addicts and Alcohilics don't have relationships, we take hostages.
7: Alcoholism is incurable, progressive, and fatal.
8: All you need to start your own AA meeting is a resentment and a coffee pot.
9: Anger is one letter away from danger.
10: Be nice to the newcomers, someday one may be your sponsor.
11: Before I came to AA, I was dying for a drink.
12: Being humble isn't that we think less of ourselves, it's that we think of ourselves less.
13: Bring the body and the mind will follow.
14: Coincendences are God's way of staying Anonymous.
15: Don't be surprised if you relapse, be surprised if you don't.
16: Don't you know who I think I am.
17: E.G.O. - Edging God Out.
18: Expectations are resentments just waiting to happen or the road to resentments is paved with expectations.
19: Faith without works is dead.
20: Fear without works is dead.
21: Geographical cures don't work, because wherever you go you're still there.
22: Gift of desperation.
23: God does not move mountains, but you have to bring the shovel to help.
24: God doesn't have any grand kids.
25: God is never late.
26: God wants us to go to meetings, so He can give us our daily messages.
27: God will never give you more than you can handle.
28: Guiness Heart: Black and Bitter.
29: H.A.L.T - Be careful when you're Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.
30: Happy Horse Shit.
31: Having resentments is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.
32: I ain't much, but I'm all I think about.
33: I am powerless, not helpless.
34: I am the black sheep of the family and when I came to AA, I found the rest of my herd.
35: I came to AA to get the monkey off my back. Now, the circus is still in town, but I am no longer the ringmaster, I'm just one of the clowns.
36: I didn't get sober to be miserable.
37: I didn't just experiment with drugs and alcohol; I was into advanced research and development.
38: I do not always know what God's will is for me, but I usually know what it's not.
39: I have to stop telling my God how big my problems are and start telling my problems how big my God is.
40: I know two things about God: There is one and I ain't him.
41: I may not be where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I was.
42: I need to treat you, today, like I want God to treat me, tomorrow.
43: I want, what I want, when I want it.
44: I was getting worse faster than I could lower my standards.
45: I will always have another drunk in me, but I am not sure there is another recovery.
46: I'd rather live sober in AA wondering if I'm an alcoholic, than die drunk trying to prove I'm not.
47: If all else fails - follow directions.
48: If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
49: If God is your co-pilot, you're sitting in the wrong seat.
50: If I don't continually change, my sobriety date will.
51: If I wasn't in here, I'd be out there.
52: If it doesn't apply, let it fly.
53: If you ask an alcoholic what time it is, he'll try to build you a clock.
54: If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere.
55: If you keep doing what you did you'll keep getting what you got.
56: If you put as much effort into AA as you did in your drinking, you'll do well.
57: If you're in hell, there's hope, because much of heaven is only 12 steps away.
58: I'm an alcoholic, I can fuck up a sandwich.
59: Is that odd? Or is that God?
60: It gets better.
61: It is when you act as if you have faith that you begin to have it.
62: It's not what I know that keeps me sober, it's what I do.
63: I've been sober a few 24 hours.
64: Meetings: it's a lot of entertainment for a buck.
65: More will be revealed.
66: My best friend became my worst enemy.
67: My drinking went from Park Avenue to park bench.
68: My serenity is indirectly proportional to my expectations.
69: My sobriety has a shelf life of about 24 hours.
70: Nothing happens in God's world by mistake.
71: Nothing is so bad that a drink won't make it worse.
72: N.U.T.S. - Not Using The Steps.
73: Pray for willingness.
74: Principles before personalities.
75: Religion is for people who do not want to go to hell; Spirituality is for people who have already been there.
76: Remember, it's okay to look back, just don't stare.
77: Seven days without a meeting makes one weak.
78: Sobriety and working the steps gives us what alcohol promised, but failed to deliver.
79: Some of us are so successful, once we sober up, we turn out to be almost as good as we used to think we were when we were drinking.
80: Sorrow looks back; Worry looks ahead; Faith looks up.
81: S.P.O.N.S.O.R. - Sober Person Offering Newcomers Suggestions On Recovery.
82: Take what you can use and leave the rest.
83: The road to a 4th Step is paved with resentments.
84: There is no chemical solution to a spiritual problem.
85: There is no such thing as a bad meeting.
86: There is still a monkey on my back, he's just sleeping.
87: Those who anger us the most are our greatest teachers.
88: TIME = Things I Must Earn.
89: We are egomaniacs with low self-esteem.
90: We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
91: We don't get sober in pairs.
92: Aka Under Every Dress there's a slip.
93: We grow through attraction not promotion.
94: We here at AA have good news for you and bad news. The good news is you never have to drink again. The bad news is that we're your new friends.
95: What we learn in AA meetings is bread for daily life, not cake for special occasions.
96: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
97: You are either moving away from a drink or towards one.
98: You are exactly where you are supposed to be.
99: You're only as sick as your secrets.
100: You can't take this program cafeteria style.
101: You must have the courage to change.