High Noon Gamble

101 Common Cliches

1: A problem shared is a problem cut in half.
2: Ask for help.
3: Better them than me.
4: Changing addictions is like switching seats on the Titanic.
5: Do the footwork.
6: Do the next right thing.
7: Doing the deal.
8: Don't call me after you drink; call me before you drink.
9: Don't leave before the miracle happens.
10: Don't let other people's words define you.
11: Don't let people rent space in your head.
12: Don't think, don't drink, and go to meetings.
13: Easy does it.
14: F.E.A.R. - False Evidence Appearing Real
15: Fake it 'till you make it.
16: Feeling comfortable in your own skin.
17: First things first.
18: Get out of yourself.
19: G.O.D. - Good Orderly Direction.
20: G.O.D. - Group of Drunks.
21: God doesn't give is what we want; God gives us what we need.
22: Half measures availed us nothing.
23: Have an attitude of gratitude.
24: H.O.W - Honest, Open, and Willing.
25: Ican't; He can; I think I'll let him.
26: I didn't get into trouble every time I drank; but every time I got in trouble I was drinking.
27: I have problems in areas where I used to not have any areas.
28: I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
29: I was tired of the ass-kicking machine.
30: If I could drink like a normal person, I'd drink everyday.
31: If nothing changes, nothing changes.
32: If you are not completely satisfied with AA, your misery will be promptly refunded.
33: If you don't do a fourth, you'll probably drink a fifth.
34: If you don't drink, you won't get drunk.
35: If you don't get this program, stick around until it gets you.
36: If you don't have a sponsor, your addiction will gladly sponsor you.
37: If you don't remember your last drunk, you haven't had it yet.
38: If you hang out in a barbershop, you might just gey a haircut.
39: If you think you don't have a lower bottom, remember there's always a trap door.
40: If you're neck deep in shit, it's okay to piss your pants.
41: In sobriety, there are good times and growth times.
42: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.
43: I doesn't matter what you think, or what you feel; it matters what you do.
44: It takes what it takes.
45: It works if you work it.
46: It's easier to put on slippers than carpet the world.
47: It's no fun having a belly full of alcohol, if you have a head full of AA.
48: Keep coming back.
49: Keep it simple.
50: Let go and let God.
51: Live and let Live.
52: Look for the similarities, not at the differences.
53: Meeting makers make it.
54: My disease wants to kill me.
55: Ninety in ninety.
56: No 13th stepping.
57: No one comes into AA on a winning streak.
58: One day at a time.
59: One is too many and a thousand is not enough.
60: Play the tape all the way through.
61: Poor me, poor me, pour me another drink.
62: Relapse is a process, not an event.
63: Stark raving sober.
64: Stay away from wet faces and wet places.
65: Stick with the winners.
66: Stinkin' Thinkin'.
67: Surrender to win.
68: Take suggestions.
69: Take the cotton wool out of your ears and put it in your mouth.
70: The first step is the only one you have to work perfectly.
71: There is only one thing you have to change - and that's everything.
72: They call it Alcohol-'ism', not Alcohol-'wasm'.
73: This disease is bigger than me, but it's not bigger than us.
74: This is a disease, not a disgrace.
75: This is a program for people who want it, not for people who need it.
76: This is a selfish program.
77: This is a simple program for complicated people.
78: This is a 'we' program.
79: This program is simple, not easy.
80: This too shall pass.
81: Trust the process.
82: Turn it over.
83: Wait a year.
84: We are not bad people trying to get good, we are sick people trying to get well.
85: We don't trip over mountains; we trip over molehills.
86: We get sick by ourselves; we get well together.
87: We have a disease that tells us; we don't have a disease.
88: Whatever you put in front of your sobriety is the first thing you're going to lose.
89: When all else fails, working with another alcoholic saves the day.
90: When you get hit by a train, it's not the caboose that kills you.
91: Where's your higher power?
92: While you work on recovery, your addiction is doing push ups.
93: Work the steps.
94: You can carry the message; you can't carry the alcoholic.
95: You can take a bath in champagne as long as you don't drink it.
96: You can't save your face and your ass at the same time.
97: You can't think your way into better living, but you can live your way into better thinking.
98: You don't go to a whorehouse to get a ham sandwich.
99: You have to give it away to keep it.
100: Your best thinking got you here.
101: You're on a pink cloud.