High Noon Gamble

My mind is out to get me

1: One day at a time.
2: You've got to give time, time.
3: Insanity: Doing exactly the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
4: It's a good meeting if no one gets drunk in the room during the meeting.
5: H.A.L.T. - Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
6: The length of time away from a drink is not equal to the distance from a drink.
7: You have to be able to live with yourself before you can live with another person.
8: It's not what happens to you but how you perceive it.
9: Fourth Step: Fears, resentments, self-pities, guilts, hatreds, and whys
10: This too shall pass
11: Happiness is an inside job
12: Desparation, inspiration, perspiration
13: Keep it simple
14: Turn your will and your life over to God
15: Don't drink even if your rear falls off; put it in a bag and bring it to the meeting
16: First things first
17: God never closes a door without also opening a window
18: Let go and let God
19: How important is it?
20: Coincedence: God performs a little miracle and wishes to remain anonymous
21: Utilise, Don't analyse
22: An AA member is just a drunk with a conscience
23: Platitudes can help with your attitudes
24: Ninety meetings in ninety days
25: There's nothing wrong with pursuing happiness, just Don't get angry if it eludes you
26: Do the rowing and let God do the steering
27: Alcohol tried to murder my soul
28: Treat your mind like a bad neighbourhood -- Don't go there alone
29: Ten out of ten people die, so Don't take life so seriously
30: Only three things happen to alcoholics who Don't stop drinking: They get screwed up, locked up, or covered up
31: You have to love yourself before you can love yourself
32: When I have a dollar more than what I need, I'm rich. Before I quit drinking, I was always a dollar short
33: You Don't die when you get ready, you die when God gets ready
34: Stand for something or you'll fall for anything
35: Your actions are so loud I can't hear what you're saying
36: Yesterday is so far in the past I can't see it; tomorrow is too distant in the future to be seen. So I'll take a good look at what I can see - today
37: Keep coming back
38: Live like this is the last day of your life
39: S.L.I.P. - Sobriety Loses Its Priority
40: The best fringe benefit of being in AA is that you never have to be alone again
41: Wear the world as a loose garment
42: Give yourself a little success every day
43: Only one in ten alcoholics die sober. Beat the odds
44: I am responsible
45: But for the grace of God..
46: Be profound, funny, or quiet
47: Trust God, clean house, and help others
48: God doesn't make mistakes
49: Any excuse for a drink is as good as any excuse for a drink
50: When tragic things begin to seem funny, health has begun
51: Easy does it
52: After you talk in a meeting, listen to hear if you said anything
53: We're all doing the best we can
54: Easy does it, but do it
55: I may have a drink tomorrow, but not today
56: Fake it till you make it
57: Put your desire chip under your tongue; when it melts, you can have a drink
58: For an alcoholic, one drink is one too many - one thousand is not enough
59: Never underestimate the power of prayer or the passage of time
60: Meeting makers make it
61: No one can make you take a drink, and no one can make you stop
62: Why drink today when you can put it off until tomorrow?
63: You have to be willing to participate in your own recovery
64: A lot of people have died wanting to get sober
65: The great paradox of spirituality is that you've got to give it away to keep it
66: This program is a marriage of hope and action, and it has to be both
67: I Don't need your help today. Love, God
68: In the first year of sobriety, Don't change anything except your playmates, playthings, and playgrounds
69: Stinkin' thinkin' leads to drinkin'
70: Drinkin' leads to stinkin' thinkin'
71: Slippery people and slippery places lead to slips
72: It works if you work it
73: Today is the yesterday you'll worry about tomorrow
74: AA is a simple program for complicated people
75: AA is not where you wind up, It's where you start over
76: Our sickness is between our ears
77: It takes time
78: You aren't going to get it by Thursday
79: An empty can makes the most noise
80: Every AA meeting is a payment on your sobriety
81: Alcoholics have three choices: die, go nuts, or get sober
82: God can't hand you anything new until you let go of what you're holding
83: Carry your strength, hope, and experience to those people you find attractive and, especially, to those you Don't
84: When I think I'm out of control, I'm most out of control
85: There are many ways to cross the river - what matters is that you cross sober
86: I learning to be sober doesn't feel awkward, you're not making progress
87: If you Don't change, you Don't grow. And if you Don't grow, you Don't go
88: Alcoholics are self-adoring egotists who can't stand their own image
89: To stay sober, you must make the abnormal normal, and the normal abnormal
90: If you keep bringing your body, your mind will follow
91: Alcoholism is the high cost of low living
92: When confronted with a dilemma, ask yourself, What would God do?
93: If you think you have humility, you Don't
94: If others did the things to us that we as alcoholics do to ourselves, we'd kill them
95: AA is not a place to go to save your soul but if you have an open mind, you may save your skin
96: I got drunk alone. In AA we get sober together
97: In God's sight, all human beings are important
98: Walk your talk
99: Once you give love, you receive love
100: You get back what you give out
101: You aren't responsible for anyone's happiness but your own
102: You attract what you were
103: There are no mistakes, just learning experiences
104: Want to hear God laugh? Tell him your plans
105: Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less often
106: Alcoholics all drink for the same reason - any reason
107: Some days are diamonds, others just rough stones
108: Get out of the problem and into a solution
109: Live life on life's terms
110: Don't expect to learn about people from books; a person can't fit in a bookcase
111: When I react to someone, that person becomes my Higher Power
112: When you need something in your life to replace alcohol, work a step
113: My recovery is a process, not an event
114: HOW? Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness
115: Do good, be good, and God will be with you
116: At meetings, leave your credentials and your intellect at the door
117: If you make a twelfth step call and you Don't drink, It's successful
118: Twelfth Step: If they're ready, you can't say anything wrong. If they're not, you can't say anything right
119: Alcohol is patient; your disease will wait for you forever
120: Life is slippery when wet
121: Let it begin with me
122: We've each got our own self-improvement kit
123: Learn to listen so that you can listen to learn
124: You never know what you're addicted to until you stop
125: It's alright to plan; just Don't plan the results
126: Fear is the absence of faith
127: The bad news: Nobody is coming to rescue you. The good news: You can save yourself
128: I Don't ever want to have to stop drinking again
129: I can never help another alcoholic without helping myself
130: I am where I am because that's where I am supposed to be
131: The long journey to sobriety begins where you are
132: Tranquilisers are nothing more than solid alcohol
133: Pass it on
134: I have a choice
135: The Twelve Steps are God's gift to the twentieth century
136: Before I came to AA, I never realised how bad my life was or how good it could be
137: Alcohol: Ignorant oil
138: I'm here because I Don't want to live like I used to live
139: There is little you can count on in life except feeling bad after that first drink
140: Long sobriety does not mean greater immunity from drinking again
141: Poor me, poor me, pour me another drink
142: Go to meetings, when you want to, when you need to and at eight o'clock
143: Now I can wake up and say "Good morning, God!" rather than "Good God, it's morning!"
144: Many doctors believe alcoholics suffer from a tranquiliser deficiency
145: AA ruined my drinking
146: If you Don't remember your last drunk, you haven't had it yet
147: When I go to extremes, I'm sure to find misery close by
148: Learn humility or you will be humiliated
149: People Don't come into AA because they're having a wonderful life
150: How has my family suffered because I quit drinking?
151: God gives us what We're going to need
152: Think! Think! Think!
153: As long as you can stay sober, God can talk to you
154: When I turned myself over to God, I took my like out of the hands of an idiot
155: AA makes us into the people we were supposed to have been
156: When you Don't know what to do, Don't drink and go to meetings
157: About AA - I didn't like it, I didn't believe it, and it worked
158: Alcoholism: Physical allergy and mental obsession
159: Once you have been in AA a while, you can be honest and truthful, because you've stopped doing things you are ashamed of
160: When you go to a meeting, you're working the Twelfth Step
161: If I had waited to be happy until I was well, I would still be sick
162: F.E.A.R: False, Evidence, Appearing Real
163: Things aren't different anywhere you go
164: AA is a million-dollar program purchased five cents at a time
165: Today I lead a life I approve of
166: When you're afraid, pick up the five-hundred-pound telephone and call someone
167: There is nothing wrong with your life that the removal of alcohol can't help but make better
168: When tempted, Don't drink, say a prayer, and go to a meeting
169: God, please help me
170: I came. I came to. I came to believe
171: Please God first, yourself second, and everyone else third
172: It's not my luck that needs changing, it is I
173: When you join AA you become a member of the "Society of the Second Chance"
174: When you hold on to the past with one hand and grab at the future with the other, you have nothing with which you can hold on to today
175: You cannot get ahead until you learn to be here
176: If you want to get ahead until you learn to be here
177: Even the hereafter begins with here
178: Keep an open heart
179: You can change only yourself, not the rest of the world
180: Take a year off from worrying
181: I am not the center of the universe
182: Each day of sobriety is a testimonial to my attempt to be a human being
183: When the world comes to an end, it will do so without my permission
184: If I can keep my feet on the ground, God can come down to me
185: To climb a ladder, It's necessary to go up the steps
186: What I have to do is simple; It's just not very easy
187: I thought AA would teach me how to drink, but I already knew how to drink. AA taught me how to live
188: If you Don't do anything to make it better, it will get worse
189: I may be mad at someone, but I'm not going to get drunk at that person
190: What can I learn from this?
191: Most of the things that irritate me today won't be important enough to remember tomorrow
192: Stop looking for the bad news after the good news
193: Sometime you just have to wait
194: I lived to get drunk and got drunk to live
195: What can you do to take the place of drinking? Anything in the world except drink
196: It hasn't been a bad day just because a few things haven't gone my way
197: I only drank when I wanted to; I just wanted to all the time
198: One drink: one drunk
199: How do you resign from AA? Take a drink
200: When you can't decide if you made the right choice, you probably you probably didn't make either the best or worst choice
201: There are no accidents
202: I can't do this by myself
203: Come to meetings to see those you want to be like as well as those you Don't
204: If you have a slip, you lose a lot more than just sober time
205: If you pray for a Cadillac and God sends a jackass, ride it
206: Think of what you have rather than what you lack
207: When I was drinking I had my own little world, and it was getting smaller all the time
208: I have everything I need
209: If you still feel you have to be number one in what you do, then be the most human human being
210: Everything you do is a step toward recovery or toward relapse
211: The program of recovery is taking your old set of values and replacing it with a new one
212: I'm not supposed to be drunk
213: I drank to kill the pain I couldn't explain
214: After you get rid of alcohol, you have to deal with the other isms
215: The worst AA meeting I ever attended was better than my best drunk
216: Think about your thinking
217: You can lead a horse to water, but you can't get it to buy the drinks
218: If you let them do it for you, they will do it for you
219: Miracles can happen if no one cares who gets the credit
220: How can you see life as it really is if you view it only through the bottom of a jigger
221: You only have to do two things: (1) Die, and (2) live until you die. You make up the rest
222: We talked ourselves to insanity, and we can talk ourselves back
223: What you think you are, you are not; but what you think, you are
224: What you think about is what you become
225: It doesn't take much to get people on your side
226: God wasn't lost. I was
227: When I'm useful, I feel good
228: You can't get drunk if you Don't take that first drink
229: God gives us only what we can handle
230: I couldn't; God could
231: Growth: Staying green. A plant that has no green is dead
232: God can't hand you a new life until you let go of the shot glass
233: It's not okay for me to tell you I'm okay when I'm not okay, okay?
234: Happy, joyous, and free
235: A Higher Power? Every alcoholic had the same one: booze
236: Take the program seriously, not yourself
237: It's okay not to be okay. People Don't come to AA because they're okay
238: Angry? Remember that not everyone has a program
239: I am my own problem
240: It's possible to be addicted to sadness
241: When what you're doing isn't working, try something else - anything else, but drinking
242: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
243: The door to AA swings both ways
244: A whisky glass made a horse's ass out of me
245: Remember your last drunk before you pick up your next drink
246: I'm only an arm's length away from my next drink
247: Meetings: The faces are different, the problems the same
248: There are enough boozers out there - they won't miss me
249: Alcohol was my stength; then I learned it was my weakness
250: Sobriety is the greatest gift I have ever received
251: I didn't grow up planning to be an alcoholic
252: AA is not a pretty dress you put on in the morning; It's a way of life
253: There's no one too dumb for this program, but It's possible to be too smart
254: you're ready for AA when you're not drinking for fun anymore
255: When I was drinking, I always wanted to be somebody else, someplace else
256: It's not what you want to do that matters; It's what you do
257: The race is often won not by the swiftest, but by the person who manages to keep running
258: It's none of my business what you think of me
259: Staying sober is my most important business today
260: Alcoholism is the only disease that will tell you you Don't have it
261: My alcoholism: I was the last one to know
262: We plan our slips
263: When all else fails, read the directions - the Twelve Steps
264: I have an incurable, fatal disease which can be arrested one day at a time
265: I remember the lessons learned the hard way; the easy ones I forget
266: All I wanted was to control you, myself, and everything else
267: All is well, even when it ain't
268: In AA the only mistake you can make is not coming back
269: My disease is an elephant. As long as I remember It's there, I won't get stepped on
270: Alcoholic: A person with both feet planted firmly in thin air
271: Gratitude is the streetcar to a better attitude
272: I came to AA because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired
273: Let what is given be enough
274: You must be, before you can do
275: If I Don't drink today, more will be revealed
276: There is nothing wrong with motivation - the key is in what motivates you
277: Life does not have to be a daily struggle
278: I accept that I cannot drink, but that does not mean that I will not drink again
279: In AA you've got to surrender to win
280: The good is the enemy of the best
281: Ask God in the morning, thank him at night
282: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..
283: When I joined AA, I realised I could run toward my problems
284: Things won't get better because you joined AA, but you will
285: Since I came to AA, I can take a trip without taking a trip
286: There is dignity in sobriety
287: God will remove only the character defects that stand in your way of helping others
288: In AA you can be a part, not apart
289: Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional
290: The further I'm away from my last drunk, the closer I am to my next drink
291: The bad news: When the suffering of the present exceeds the suffering of the past, you will drink again. The good news: You Don't have to suffer anymore
292: My alcoholism is simple: When I was drunk, I felt okay
293: you've got to be willing to be willing
294: Don't compare
295: You are not alone
296: Before you drink, throw your desire chip in the gutter and know that soon you will follow
297: I must change me, not the geography
299: The musts, oughts, and shoulds in your life can drive you crazy
300: Try praying. Nothing pleases God more than to hear a strange voice
301: How to stop drinking: Bend your knees instead of your elbows
302: No matter what, things can only get worse if you drink at them
303: The urge is going to pass whether you drink or not
304: Before I joined AA, I was either thinking about drinking, or getting over drinking
305: There was never enough in the bottle to satisfy me
306: When I joined AA, I lost my innocence about my drinking
307: Reality can be hell when you're only visiting
308: Constructive criticism: I tell you what is wrong with you. Destructive criticism: You tell me what is wrong with me
309: God, save me from myself
310: Anything you would be ashamed of doing and have not done yet, you will do if you pick up another drink
311: We're all here because We're not all here
312: Come to meetings to see what happens to people who Don't come to meetings
313: Sick, sorry, then sober
314: God, when I speak, please fill my mouth with good stuff and give me a nudge when I've said enough
315: Since I joined AA,I've never needed and wanted a drink at the same time
316: Plan for tomorrow, but live just for today
317: Please everybody and no one is pleased; please yourself and at least you're pleased
318: Happiness doesn't come from getting what we want, but from enjoying what we have
319: When I help, I am helped
320: To recover, you need something to do and someone to love
321: Nothing changes until it becomes real
322: There is enough time to accomplish all that is necessary
323: You can't expect to live a trashy lifestyle and belong to AA
324: My mind is out to get me
325: When I joined AA, I quit selling myself cheap
326: With this program I can be a decent person
327: The elevator of alcoholism goes only down, but you can get off where you'd like
328: The longer I stay sober, the more I remember I'd forgotten when I was drinking
329: Alcoholics are all from the same nut tree
330: Before AA I had this equation: Self-worth = my performance + the opionions of others. I could never get it to balance
331: My problems are self-made
332: Sober life can be distresstin, but not dangerous
333: My worst day sober is not nearly as bad as my worst day drinking
334: Alcohol endowed me with the delusion of adequacy
335: Alcoholic: An egomaniac with an inferority complex
336: If you hang around long enough, someone will do the slipping for you
337: The load of tomorrow, added to that of yesterday, carried today makes the strongest falter
338: If I could do any better, I would
339: I need to get the cotton out of my ears and put it in my mouth
341: When the student is ready, the teacher appears
342: As a sponsor, remember you can carry the word, but not the person
343: When alcoholics are ready, you can't keep the program from them; when they're not, you can't give the program away
344: I didn't get what I wanted from AA; I got what I needed
345: I never attended a meeting in which I didn't get something, even if just angry
346: When I was drinking, I was deathly afraid of living
347: AA works very well without me, but I work a lot better with AA
348: I'm harder on myself than anybody else
349: It doesn't matter how you got here or why you got here, just that you're here
350: People, places, and things exist whether I choose to accept them or not. The only choice I have about acceptance is to be either grateful or miserable
351: Spiritual growth comes from being in AA, not just around it
352: We didn't all arrive on the same ship, but We're all in the same boat
353: Not drinking is easy. It's living and not drinking that's hard
354: Come to ninety meetings in ninety days. If you're not satisfied, we'll refund your misery
355: Two realisations have contributed to my spiritual growth: (1) There is a God. (2) I ain't God
356: All I ever wanted when I was drinking was a little more than I ever had
357: Prayers Don't change God. They change me
358: Things I turn over to God most easily are those things already fixed
359: I've failed, but I'm not a failure. I've made mistakes, but I'm not a mistake
360: No one ever arrives at AA too late
361: You can't. God can. Let him
362: When I first got to AA, both my drinker and my thinker were broken
363: Keep your mind and your body in the same place
364: To get along with people, keep skid chains on your tongue
365: Your greatest fear is exactly where your alcoholism was taking you
366: The Serenity Prayer is the handrail to grab until you can work the steps
367: Be careful of what you do or you will get away from what works
368: Alcoholics are noted for their mind-reading ability
369: Cease panic and start prayer
370: If you can't fight and you can't flee, then flow
371: Don't sweat the small stuff, and remember, It's all small stuff
372: Drinking didn't cause my problems, living did
373: What comes from the heart goes to the heart
374: It's a lot easier to stay sober than to get sober
375: Other people's drinking never bothered me until I quit drinking
376: Misery loves miserable company
377: There's nothing more disgusting than being sober in a room full of drunks
378: It takes several years to read the black part of the Big Book - that's the part that's not between the lines
379: You Don't fall off a building when you're standing in the middle.
380: I'm trying to be as honest as I can
381: AA: Absolute Abstinence
382: The catch-22 to recovery: you've got to change your thinking to change your drinking. But to change your thinking, you've got to change your drinking
383: I began to get better when I knew I could choose between being right and getting well
384: The world is not my enemy
385: The practicing alcoholic is the only person in the world who can lie in the gutter and still look down on others
386: If you claim to like everyone you've met in AA, you haven't been to enough meetings
387: Is your mind racing? Try reading the Big Book out loud. Your mind can only do one thing at a time
388: AA meetings are the jumper cables God uses to get love flowing from one alcoholic to another
389: When your time in meetings equals your time in bars, you have a chance to recover
390: An alcoholic who is alone is in bad company
391: If it works, Don't do anything to fix it. If it doesn't work, do anything to fix it
392: Alcoholics Don't have relationships - they take hostages
393: You can't be fired for on-the-job sobriety
394: It's a good day if I haven't harmed myself or anyone else
395: I have to get out of myself to find myself
396: Don't pray for healing and then tell God what to do
397: The only defense you have when you're wrong is to attack
398: you're ready for this program when you've drunk so much you can get neither drunk nor sober
399: Don't become emotionally involved with reality
400: Before I came to AA, I was a human doing, not a human being
401: EGO: Easing God Out
402: We can't see the growth in ourselves, but we can see it in others
403: By going to meetings and working the Steps, I may be able to make compost out of my pile of garbage
404: You can't do it for anyone else
405: You alone can do it, but you can't do it alone
406: We can't take responsibility for the sobriety of others unless We're also willing to take responsibility for their slips
407: If I'm not grateful, I'm hateful
408: It is not God who needs to be thanked, but I who need to be grateful
409: AA is a God-centered program for self-centered people
410: The most miserable person imaginable is the one with a belly full of booze and a head full of AA
411: Alcoholism is not an infectious disease, but it can be contagious
412: God has never been a problem in my life, but I have been a problem to God all my life
413: It is more important to do what must be done than to do all you can do
414: It's not so important how you started your life, but how you finish it
415: When I die, I want to ride in that long black hearse dead sober
416: Live and let live
417: When you come to AA and decide you want what we have, you have to do what we do
418: I know that I'm not yet the person I can be, but I thank God I'm not the person I used to be
419: Liquor used to do things for me and then it began to do things to me
420: Practising alcoholics are the only people who get to choose the disease they die from
421: If you're an alcoholic and you drink, your life can only go downhill
422: I've never met anyone who came back after a slip and said he or she had a good time
423: I drank for just two reasons: to be what I was not and not to be what I was
424: Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, tomorrow is a promissory not, today is cash-on-hand
425: AA won't keep you from going to hell, nor is it a ticket to heaven. But it will keep you sober long enough for you to decide where you want to go
426: If we can only be judged by our enemies, then, as alcoholics, we ourselves are the best judges
427: Before AA I looked at the world through dung-coloured glasses
428: Alcoholism is the attitude disease
429: If you think you're happy, you are. If you think you're wise, you are not
430: When I was drinking, I never beat myself up; I always beat myself down
431: Alcoholic: Someone no one likes and who wouldn't have it any other way
432: It's not what you drink, nor when you drink, nor where you drink, nor with whom you drink, nor how often you drink; It's what that first drink does to you
433: The only alcoholics who aren't guilty of driving when drunk are those who have never driven
434: When I Don't have expectations of others, anything positive they do is a pleasant surprise
435: When I was drinking, I used to try to feel good by buying things I didn't need, with money I didn't have, to impress people I didn't like
436: I must not compare the outside of you with the inside of me
437: It's my attitude toward what happens to me that makes it a "blessin" or a lesson
438: If I reached for enough drinks, my problems wouldn't go away, but I would
439: Since coming to AA, I've become inoculated against the disease of not wanting to live
440: No one was ever as bad to me as I have been to myself
441: Alcohol is the great solvent: It dissolves marriages, finances, careers, and health
442: AA is a fellowship of men and women who know that other people just Don't act right
443: AA is a fellowship of men and women who say "no"
444: The only time alcoholics will say they're not sure is when they're positive they're right
445: AA will do until a cure comes along
446: When you come to AA, you have to learn to be the doctor as well as the patient
447: You will have problems whether or not you stay sober
448: I was willing to go anywhere to get a drink, so I should be willing to go to meetings to recover
449: God's delay in answering our prayers isn't God's denial
450: Faith is the foundation of freedom from fear
451: No pain, no change
452: When I was drinking, there was no middle: I believed I was absolutely perfect or perfectly worthless
453: Acceptance is about what is, not what is not
454: God is my friend now instead of my enemy
455: Tired work is never efficient
456: Taking that first drink is like getting hit with a freight train - It's not the caboose that does the damage
457: You may not need a meeting, but I need you to have a meeting
458: No matter how I lived in the past, I can live right today
459: When I point my finger at you, there are always three fingers pointing back at me
460: If you believe AA members gossip about you, Don't worry. AA members are so self-centered they will be back talking about themselves very soon
461: God doesn't punish us for our alcoholism, we punish ourselves with our alcoholism
462: SLIP: Slight Lapse In Progress
463: Mean what you say, say what you mean
464: I didn't take a drink today, so anything is possible
465: The AA member with the longest sobriety is the one who got up earliest this morning
466: Alcoholics are people who pole-vault over mouse turds
467: Loneliness is curable
468: I can borroe trouble only at high interest rates
469: Alcohol used to cause me to break out in strange spots - London, Paris, Miami Beach
470: I came to AA to save my hide and discovered my soul was attached
471: I worked the Steps not because I saw the light, but because I felt the heat
472: If you free others to be who they are, you'll set yourself free
473: Just because life has been painful so far doesn't mean it has to keep hurting
474: Go for all of it and Don't worry. If you're not supposed to have it, you won't
475: Were we less self-centered, we'd see that blessings and sorrows visit us in equal amounts
476: Life is like the turn of a wagon wheel - sometimes I'm in the sunshine, and sometimes down in the mud
477: In the AA pasture there are lots of chips
478: If you pray, why worry? If you worry after you pray, why pray?
479: Having trouble turning it over to your Higher Power? Remember that your best thinking got you drunk
480: If you made it this far drunk, God won't let you down when you're sober
481: Hang tough!
482: Call your sponsor before, not after, you take that first drink
483: Strive to understand, rather than to be understood
484: To make it work, you have to buy the whole package
485: The evil I dimly perceive in myself I try to stamp out in others
486: Remember, whatever position you find yourself in, you put yourself there
487: We mock the things we are to be
488: What goes around comes around, if you stick around
489: Act as if
490: Change is a process, not an event
491: Don't drink even if your rear is on fire
492: You can't get mugged in a dark alley if you Don't walk in dark alleys
493: Wherever you go, there you are
494: If you truly understand someone, you will have no need to forgive that person
495: I'm not impatient - I just want everything to change right away
496: It took every drink I took to get here
497: It's amazing how this program works when I get out of the way
498: Happiness is a by-product of doing the right thing
499: Perhaps the only purpose of my sobriety is to stop hurting myself and others
500: Ego: The sum total of false ideas about myself
501: Check your motives
502: My favourite prayer has only one word: Help
503: Courage is fear that has said its prayers
504: My mind is not a good place to be
505: Do not criticise, condemn, or complain
506: Don't criticise others; they are just doing what we would be doing under similar circumstances
507: Why are you not happy with where you are? Is it not exactly where you placed yourself?
508: I'm not where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I was
509: Doing things the way I thought they should be done is what got me here
510: In order to stay sober, I've got to be willing to be part of my own life
511: There are no victims, just volunteers
512: I didn't want to stop drinking, just to stop hurting
513: Sometimes It's tough to know God's will for me; It's not posted on billboards
514: When I was drinking, individual responsibility was not my strong suit
515: When you pray, just talk to God; when you meditate, just listen
516: When I first came to the program, members said, "Let us love you until you can love yourself."
517: When I first came, they said, "It will get better." I discovered the "it" was me
518: God is spelled G-O-D, not D-O-G, so Don't get confused and tell him to fetch
519: I came to AA because things began to add up, and not add up
520: Meetings are really boring when I Don't go
521: No one ever went to jail for drinking too much coffee
522: You get home on the ocean of your own tears
523: I didn't know I wanted to quit drinking until I tried to quit drinking
524: I drank for just two reasons: to feel good when I felt bad and to feel better when I felt good
525: Anybody can stop drinking - just hit a cop
526: I didn't come to AA, because I was afraid it would work