Sober Cards
AH: Live and let live.
2H: Keep recovery first to make it your last.
3H: Don't let people rent space in your head.
4H: Nothing changes if nothing changes.
5H: We either make ourselves miserable or make ourselves stronger, the amount of work is the same.
6H: Faith without works is dead.
7H: KISS: Keep It Simple Stupid.
8H: To thine own self be true.
9H: Before you say I can't, say I'll try.
10H: Trying to pray is praying.
JH: Some things are true whether you believe them or not.
QH: One hour at a time, one day at a time, one step at a time.
KH: It gets real, it gets different, it gets real different.
AC: One day at a time.
2C: Keep coming back. It works if you work it.
3C: Don't quit before the miracle happens.
4C: We are only as sick as our secrets.
5C: Willingness is the key.
6C: Serenity isn't freedom from the storm. It's peace within the storm.
7C: Love and tolerance is our code.
8C: Easy does it.
9C: Don't be bitter, be better.
10C: Remember, it's progress not perfection.
JC: One drink is too many and a thousand is not enough.
QC: Stick with the winners.
KC: If I could drink like other people I would drink all the time.
AD: idle hands are the devil's playground.
2D: First things first.
3D: More will be revealed.
4D: This too shall pass.
5D: Do the next right thing.
6D: Peace and serenity through surrender.
7D: Don't borrow trouble from tomorrow.
8D: Don't take everything so personally.
9D: Play the tape out.
10D: Instead of saying I have to; say, 'I get to.'
JD: Rule#62: Don't take yourself too damn seriously.
QD: Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.
KD: What is the loving and giving action I can do, right here and now in this situation.
AS: Just don't drink.
2S: When one door closes, another one opens.
3S: God is never late.
4S: Thy will not mine, be done.
5S: Stay sober for yourself.
6S: Resting on our laurels, we are in trouble if we do.
7S: If you're feeling guilty, you probably are.
8S: Start missing meetings and you start missing drinks.
9S: Character is how we act when no one is watching.
10S: Sobriety is a journey, not a destination.
JS: Be part of the solution, not the problem.
QS: Let go and let God.
KS: Live in the now, look for the now, accept the good.